A prediction and performance control tool for chemically bonded sands


Control and predition of quality of chemichal bonded sand systems

Chemical bonded sand systems in their different variants, are the basis for the manufacture of foundry parts that require a raw finish close to the final quality. An important part of rejected parts are due to defects originated by the chemical bonded sand systems itself: metal penetration, veins, excessively rough surfaces or non metallic inclusions can cause castings with good metallurgical quality and good pouring design to turn out to be non-conforming and become scrap, with the consequent increase in cost and loss of productivity.

The goal of this project is to develop a tool capable of controlling and predicting the quality of any chemical bonded sand system, eliminating rejects due to failures in these systems and obtain parts closer to their final shape, minimizing machining requirements.

Project developed by.

This project is being carried out in collaboration with Western Michigan University, whose Metal Casting laboratory is highly prestigious.

Thanks to their experience in the evaluation of performance and properties in foundry sands, they have obtained numerous patents, several of them adopted as standards by the American Foundry Society.

AMV Soluciones was born in 2008 due to the passion for mathematics, they are specialized in software solutions for the foundry industry.  They have experience in the development of mathematically based analytical software.

Innovation and research have always been in its DNA and as a result they have cooperated in numerous projects with technology centres, universities and companies from different countries.

With the support of:


Current status

Procedural analysis

Model development

Model validation

Final validation


Contribute to improve processes in the foundry industry

Apply mathematical methods for production analysis

Reduce the use of disposable materials in the manufacture of chemical moulds

Control and predict the performance of chemical molding systems


Sam Ramrattan​


Alberto Montenegro

